Make sure your money is working for you with checking that earns tiered interest, paying higher rates for larger balances.
Key Features
- Tiered Interest
- Free Business Digital Banking
- Save Money
- Tiered interest rewards higher balances with higher rates
- Avoid the $9.95 monthly service fee by maintaining a $5,000 minimum daily balance
- Balances greater than $25,000 receive a 1% cash handling fee
- Unlimited monthly transactions at low per-item fees
- Free business digital banking services, including:
- Free online banking & bill pay
- Free mobile banking with mobile deposit
- Free eStatements
- Free Mastercard® business debit card
- $10 minimum deposit to open
To help the government fight financial crime, Federal law requires financial institutions to obtain, certify, and record information about beneficial owners of a Legal Entity customer, i.e. corporations, limited liability companies, etc. Beginning May 11, 2018, each time an account, i.e. deposit, lending, etc. is opened for a covered Legal Entity, you will be required to provide the name, address, date of birth, and social security number for the following beneficial owners: Each individual who owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the Legal Entity; and an individual with significant responsibility for managing, controlling, or directing the Legal Entity. You will also be asked to provide identifying documentation for each beneficial owner, so their identities can be verified, and sign a form certifying that the information is correct.